Free for personal use
Note of the author
Before deciding to use fonts commercially, take a a minute to read the terms & conditions below!
1. This font can be used "Personal Use" only and does not generate personal profit / finance.
2. Forbidden to use this font commercially, whether it's a personal or corporate business!
3. It is forbidden to resell this font on any site!
4. Using this font commercially without permission or not buying a license from us as the copyright owner of this font, the perpetrators are subject to criminal acts under Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright or a fine worth 100 times the price of a standard license!
Purchasing fonts for commercial purposes can check at the link below: https://fontbundles.net/alphabeta-studio
Paypal account for donation : https://www.paypal.me/hartadic
1. This font can be used "Personal Use" only and does not generate personal profit / finance.
2. Forbidden to use this font commercially, whether it's a personal or corporate business!
3. It is forbidden to resell this font on any site!
4. Using this font commercially without permission or not buying a license from us as the copyright owner of this font, the perpetrators are subject to criminal acts under Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright or a fine worth 100 times the price of a standard license!
Purchasing fonts for commercial purposes can check at the link below: https://fontbundles.net/alphabeta-studio
Paypal account for donation : https://www.paypal.me/hartadic
Wonderland Regular.ttf
Character Map
File Contents
Font Details
Designer Name: | Hartadi Design |
Font License: | Free for personal use |