Animal Tracks

182142 downloads Shareware
Note of the author


March 17, 1995

Andrew D. Taylor

148 W. 1560 S.

Orem, Ut. 84058


[email protected]

Animal tracks are cool. They also reveal nice bits about the anatomy, habits, and behavior, of the animals that leave them. Animals that walk on their toes (digitigrade) such as horses, cats, dogs, deer, sheep, etc., rely on speed to overtake their prey, or to escape. Animals that live at a slower pace such as the skunk, porcupine, etc., generally have more elaborate movements-they place both their heels and toes on the ground. Anyhow, you get the idea.

AnimalTracks is a type 1, PostScript" font for the Macintosh" and IBM" (Also available in True Type and T3). Each upper and lower-case letter of the alphabet is a different animal track. I've tried to display a wide variety of animals from domestic to exotic, but most are common animal tracks that one would see on a pretty mild hike. For the most part, all of them are the left front foot of the animal. (Although, sometimes I have used another footprint when it was more clear print.) In the wild, tracks vary according to age, sex, gait, and the medium in which the track was preserved. These prints are, on the whole, pretty darn good examples.

When you press the Option key and the character at the same time, the opposite print appears (unless there was no Option letter available, but I plan to include these opposites using another key at a later date). For example, upper-case S is a left front skunk track and Option-S (upper-case) is the right front track. But the lower-case b, the bear, has no Option key on the Mac, thus no opposite track.

The original drawings are fairly small, but I have found that most tracks print nicely from 8 to 72 point on my LaserWriter Select (600 Dpi)-8 Point is pretty darn small, however.


To install, just choose the Fonts icon from the Control Panel Window. The fonts already installed listed in the installed Fonts box. Chose the Add button. In the Add Fonts dialog box, select Animt_.ttf. If the font is not located in the current directory, select the drive and directory where it is located. Choose the OK button. In the Fonts dialog box, choose the Close button. For help with the Fonts and Add Font Files dialog boxes, choose the Help button or press F1 while using the dialog boxes.

Registration and License Agreement

AnimalTracksc is shareware. If you keep and use this font, please send $10.00 to Andrew D. Taylor @ 148 W. 1560 S. Orem, UT 84058 USA.

You can try this font out free for one week (please do not use in publications etc. during this week), after which if you continue to use the font, you accept the terms and should send me the $10.00.

(P.S. I'm a starving student at the University of Toronto, and need the dough.)

(P.P.S. If you don't send the Shareware fee, I'll have big guys with guns hunt you down.)


You may distribute this font, as long as you include all 5 of the files that it came with. i.e.:



1.0The original

(I'm considering making fonts with more specific tracks. Is anyone interested?)

AnimalTracks font, and all of its accompanying files and icons are c 1994, Andrew D. Taylor.

Andrew D. Taylor

148 W. 1560 S.

Orem, Ut. 84058


[email protected]

  • ANIMT___.TTF
Character Map Animal Tracks Character Map
File Contents
filename filesize type options
!LEGEND.TXT 852 B Text File Download
ANIMT___.TTF 100 kB Font File Download
README.TXT 3 kB Text File Download
Font Details
Designer Name: Andrew D. Taylor
Font License: Shareware

Designer Name: Andrew D. Taylor

Font License:Shareware