
31400 downloads Shareware
Note of the author

Audio Electric Systems

a division of Aaron W. Beck Co.

Dear Users,

Thank you for downloading an Audio Electric Systems Font. All our fonts are SHAREWARE and are NOT FREE. If you use our fonts even once please pay the registration fee. The shareware fee for all our fonts is $6.00 (if you don't think it is worth this amount send the amount you think it is worth).

To register:

* Send a check or money order in US dollars to:

Audio Electric Systems

Attn: Font Registration

PO Box 909

Midvale UT 84047


* Call AudioElectric Systems to order by Credit Card (Visa,MC,Amex)

(801) 277-4955

1-800-484-5819 ext. 2325 (Beck)

* Send eMail with CreditCard Info to:

[email protected]

[email protected]

* Call Sherwood Forest Online Service (510) 797-2690

BBS Style service with basic free access

Access to latest software version of products

Pay Online in security

Full featured On-line service for those who wish to explore

Uses FirstClass Graphical Interface for Macitnosh & Windows

Access thorugh command line also available

Getting The Latest or Support:

* Send eMail to:

[email protected]

[email protected]

* Visit out WebSite


* Visit out Anonymous FTP Site

Host: ftp.awbeck.com

* Call Sherwood Forest Online Service (510) 797-2690

BBS Style service with basic free access

Access to latest software version of products

Pay Online in security

Full featured On-line service for those who wish to explore

Uses FirstClass Graphical Interface for Macitnosh & Windows

Access thorugh command line also available

Please also tell us in your letter which font you received the font and if you had to pay any money to get it.

Note: If you do not plan on registering this typestyle then pass it on to a friend or associate or erase it! If you pass it on it absolutely must be accompianied by this information file.


All those who keep this Typestyle in their possession are bound by this License Agreement. You are not permitted to breakdown this type and change it for use as a different typestyle. You may decompose characters or phrases as needed for advanced text manipulation as provided by many graphic programs. This type may NOT ever see a Font Editor of any type. (e.g. Fontographer, FontStudio). The type may not be stripped of any of it's components or characters by anyone for distribution. (We have had people receiving fonts with only the Capital letters from some Shareware clubs - This is prohibited). Audio Electric Systems reserves all rights. You need to register this type or not use it!

Character Map Warlock Character Map
File Contents
filename filesize type options
README.TXT 3 kB Text File Download
WARLOCK_.TTF 28 kB Font File Download
Font Details
Designer Name: Audio Electric Systems
Font License: Shareware

Designer Name: Audio Electric Systems

Font License:Shareware