* * * * * Werdna's Return - A font based on the Wizardry series of RPGs * * * * *
Thank you for downloading the "Werdna's Return" font.
1. I>nstallation
2. U>se
3. A>bout the font
4. C>ontact
1. I>ntroduction
To install Werdna's Return, unzip this file and drag the files into the "Fonts"
folder in your system.
If you encounter any problems in using this font, or have any suggestions, please
email me and Ill see if I can do something about it. Please note that I cant
help you with any installation issues; if you need any, you should consult your
systems help files for assistance.
2. U>se
This font is free for personal and commercial use and may be redistributed in its
unmodified form. I would ask that you not modify and then redistribute this font
and claim it as your onw, although you may modify it for your own personal use.
If you enjoy this font and use it often, feel free to email me some kind words.
A URL or demonstratrion of your work using Werdna's Return would be appreciated
as well.
3. A>bout the font
Werdna's Return is a 1:1, 1px spaced, mostly faithful recreation of the font used
in Sir-Tech's Wizardry series, specifically the one used in the series' japanese
releases (such as "Wizardry I-II-III: The Story of Llylgamyn", and "Wizardry
Gaiden IV: Throb of the Demon's Heart") during the late 90's. This is different
from the original computer versions, which used the Apple ][ system font.
Note that I say "mostly faithful" as I did not recreate the japanese characters
found in the games.
Unlike other videogame series, such as The Legend of Zelda, Metal Gear Solid or
Donkey Kong, the Wizardry series has seen little to no widespread use, or indeed
demand, for its font, and as such has remained as obscure as it Japanese releases.
Yet, it remains a concise, even sophisticated font of the 16-bit Super Nintendo
game catalogue, and is now available.
It was (re)created using actual, 1:1 snapshot of the afforementioned games as
source material, and BitFontMaker2, a free, web-based pixel font creator over the
course of one day. The site is available at:
You can visit their main page for other applications at:
The font's name is based on the fourth title in the series, the eponymous Werdna's Return, itself a play on one of the author's names (Andrew).
4. C>ontact
For queries about Werdna's Return, send an email to "[email protected]"
(sans the quotes), with "Werdna's Return font" in the subject.
Again, thank you for downloading the "Werdna's Return" font. Hope you enjoy it.
-- 25th of December, 2015
![Werdnas Return Character Map](https://fontsly.com/images/character_maps/werdnasreturn_character_map.png)
Designer Name: | Diogo Ribeiro |
Font License: | 100% Free |